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Discussions of Naskh (Abrogation) in Modern Studies and Ibn Kathīr’s Perception of Naskh

Year 2016, , 349 - 383, 15.12.2016


Abrogation (naskh) is one of the controversial
themes of Islamic studies, especially in later period that of principle of exegesis
(uṣūl al-tafsīr). However, the recent studies on abrogation (naskh) do not offer a comprehensive analysis on the concept. In
fact, the problem of naskh
(abrogation) is in need of a systematic and holistic approach, which would only
be possible with a detailed study on how the concept of abrogation (naskh) is understood in Islamic
interpretive tradition (tafsīr). With
this purpose in mind, this article intends to examine two points regarding the
term abrogation: first, the article will offer a analytical reflection on the
diverse views of naskh, and then it
will highlight how Ibn Kathīr (d. 1373) understood and applied this term to his
hermeneutical framework. By doing so, the present study aims to show Ibn
Kathīr’s position in Islamic interpretive tradition on the matter of naskh. The key conclusion of this study
is that although Ibn Kathīr is one of the representatives of the traditional
riwayah (sound transmission through a chain of exegetes) exegesis, he advances
his interpretive hermeneutics with multiple aspects that also involves dirayah
(personal opinion) exegesis (tafsīr).

The problem of naskh (abrogation) is one of the most
important and controversial themes of science and principle of exegesis (ʿilm wan a-l uṣūl al-tafsīr) in Islamic tradition. In order to understand naskh, which is claimed to be occurred
in the Qur’ānic text, it is necessary to involve the time of the revelation of
the Qur’ān. An analysis of this period reveals that first Muslims regard the naskh as a natural process of the
revelation and do not dispute over this matter. In other words, the
controversial theme naskh is perceived
by first addresses of the Qur’ān as a hermeneutical characteristic of the
Qur’ānic revelation. Therefore, naskh
was not considered as a controversial concept and debated its origins based on
the question whether it organically belonged to the revelation. It will be
clear that the different views on naskh
(abrogation), particularly after the time of the Companions is not a conceptual
problem; rather Muslim scholars differed in their methodological approaches to naksh. Naskh has not been questioned as a concept in early Islamic
tradition. Rather it has gradually developed over the centuries. Naskh has been elaborated with the terms
of uṣūl al-fiqh (principles of Law), such as takhṣīṣ (specification) and taqyīd
(restriction) and its conceptual meaning has been extended after, particularly
Abū ʿAbdullah Muḥammad b. Idris
b. ʿAbbas al-Shāfiʿī (d. 820). To
sum up, naskh is regarded with a
methodological perspective. However, in the field of Turkish Islamic studies,
especially after the Cumhuriyet, the term naskh
is not regarded as a natural consequence of the process of tanzīl (revelation of the Qur’ān) neglecting the gradual aspect of
revelation and the disputes over the term has been concluded either rejecting
or simply accepting this concept without providing a satisfactory result on the

This article
examines one of the most prominent Muslim exegete Ibn Kathīr’s (d. 1373)
approach to the problem of naskh in
the context of previous modern scholarship on naskh (abrogation). However, the analysis of Ibn Kathīr’s
perception of naskh does not claim to
be exhaustive on the matter. This requires a more comprehensive study on the
concept of naskh, which is clearly
beyond the scope of this article. Therefore, the present study intends to
specifically focus on general aspect of Ibn Kathīr’s understanding of naskh and how his perception is
presented in modern studies.

When Ibn
Kathīr’s commentary is analysed, it becomes clear that his understanding of naskh is significant and not necessarily
in line with his riwayah (sound transmission through a chain of exegetes) tafsīr (exegesis). For example, he notes
the dates between abrogating and abrogated Qur’ānic verses and claims that it
is necessary to find certain proofs to validate the claim of abrogation (naskh) for particular legal judgments
and verses, which clearly shows that Ibn Kathīr approaches to the problem of naskh with a methodological perspective.
Ibn Kathīr’s interpretation of the well known Qur’ānic verse Q 2.106 in a
different sense and most importantly his consideration of the matter only in
the Qur’ānic context are clear examples of his methodological approach. His
interpretation of Q 2.106 simply shows that he meticulously distinguish between
the acceptance of naskh as a concept
and as an interpretive method. The modern studies on naskh, on the contrary, consider the matter only on the base of a
conceptual analysis. 

Ibn Kathīr prefers to transmit the traditional
opinions based on personal interpretation and interprets some Qur’ānic verses.
This is clearly his method of re-interpretation based on rational thinking (taʾwīl). His way of rational reasoning leads Ibn Kathīr to the rejection of naskh (abrogation) and the restriction
of Qur’ānic verses that are related to the theory of abrogating and abrogated
verses (nāsikh-mansūkh). This clearly proves that Ibn Kathīr does not merely
adopts and employs the method of riwayah, which is contrary to the supposition
that he is the exegete of a commentary that heavily draws on hadith reports and
transmitted traditional reports. In fact, this most importantly shows that Ibn
Kathīr’s Qur’ān commentary can also be regarded as a dirayah (personal opinion)
tafsīr (exegesis) and that there are enough material in traditional Muslim
Qur’ānic exegesis to re-analyse the problem of naskh (abrogation). Relying on this last point, this article argues
that a comprehensive analysis of naskh
requires a research on the traditional interpretive sources. Therefore, it
might be helpful to reconsider the matter of naskh with its conceptual background in the works of traditional
Muslim exegetes rather than focusing only on whether the concept naskh exits or not in the origins of the
Qur’ānic revelation. At this point, an analysis of Ibn Kathīr’s perception of naskh and his rational reasoning that is
employed in his commentary will contribute to the understanding of the theory
of naskh (abrogation) in the
tradition of Qur’ānic exegesis.


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Modern Dönem Nesih Tartışmaları ve İbn Kesîr’in Neshe Yaklaşımı

Year 2016, , 349 - 383, 15.12.2016


Nesih, ihtilaflı yapısına
rağmen İslâm ilimleri içinde ayrıntılı bir şekilde işlenmiştir. Ancak modern
dönem/Cumhuriyet sonrası tefsir usûlüne dair eserlerde bu konunun tartışılma
şekli yüzeysel bir görünüm arzetmektedir. Oysa nesih sorunsalının sistematik
bir bütünlük içinde ele alınması, gelenekteki nesih algısı üzerine yapılacak
ayrıntılı bir analizle mümkün olabilir. Bu tespit ve amaçtan hareketle
makalenin iki veçhesi bulunmaktadır. Makalede ilk olarak neshin kavramsal
çerçevesi kısaca hatırlatılmakta ve modern dönem/Cumhuriyet sonrası tefsir
usûlünde neshin ele alınış şeklini görebilmek için bahsi geçen tartışmaların
bir tasviri yapılmaktadır. Akabinde tefsir geleneğinin önemli bir temsilcisi
olan İbn Kesîr’in (ö. 774/1373) metodolojik ve pratik boyutuyla neshe yaklaşımı
ele alınmaktadır. Neticede; rivâyetçi ve hadisçi müfessir İbn Kesîr’in
öngörülenin aksine, nesih konusunda, akla/te’vîle dayalı açıklamalarda
bulunduğuna dair tespitler yapılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, İbn Kesîr’in
konuyla ilgili izlediği bu yöntemin, tefsir usûlünde nesihle ilgili
geliştirilmesi gerekli metodolojiye katkı sağlayacağı iddia edilmektedir.  


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There are 54 citations in total.


Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Melek Yılmaz

Publication Date December 15, 2016
Submission Date September 28, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


ISNAD Yılmaz, Melek. “Modern Dönem Nesih Tartışmaları Ve İbn Kesîr’in Neshe Yaklaşımı”. Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20/2 (December 2016), 349-383.

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