Writing Rules

Information about the authors of the submitted manuscripts should be specified on a separate title page. On the title page, the title of the article, the names and surnames of the authors, their title, Orcid numbers, working addresses and e-mail addresses should be specified. At the end of the page, the address, telephone and e-mail address of the corresponding author must be included. The page should be prepared with Microsoft Office Word and saved as “Title Page” and the extension of the file should be in .docx or .doc format.

Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry (CRRPP)

Formatting and Content Requirements for Manuscripts


· Times New Roman font, 12 point is used in all manuscripts.

· Use margins of at least 2.5 cm (or 0.98 inch) for bottom, top, right, and left.

Page Limit

· There is no page or word limit.

Manuscript Sections


· Article titles should be boldfaced and centered.

Author(s)’s Names

· The names of all authors should not be included in the main document.

· The manuscripts including authors’ names are not processed and returned (review the sample paper)


· Abstracts should be between 150–250 words.

· No citations should appear in the abstract.

· Keywords should be between 3-8 words .

Main Text

· Qualitative and quantitative studies should contain the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion

· The Methods section must include Sampling/Study Population, Data Collection Tools, and Procedure as sub-sections if an original research method has been used

· Literature reviews should elaborate on the problem, analyze the relevant literature, emphasize the gaps and inconsistencies in the literature, and discuss actions toward solving these problems.

· Other types of studies can allow slight variations in sections, but they should not contain too many details and sub-sections that could distract readers’ attention and compromise readability.


· Both in-text citations and references should comply with the APA guidelines as provided in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition).

· For guidelines to follow for References pages, please see Basic Formatting for References

Tables, Figures, and Appendices

Tables and Figures

Tables, figures, pictures, graphics, and similar aspects should be embedded in the text, and not provided as appendices. (If the tables, figures, pictures, graphics, etc. are not given in the relevant place in the text and are given at appendices, The manuscripts are not processed and returned)


Each appendix should be displayed on a separate page after the references section.

Heading Format

Forming Heading

· The first letters of the words that form the first and second level headings must be typed uppercase (exception: words like and, with, etc., should be typed lowercase always).

· Table and figure headings should also be arranged according to this rule.

Main Headings

· Heading of manuscript and main headings (Method, Findings, Discussion) shoul be typed centered and boldface (Introduction section does not include Introduction heading).

Second Level Heading

· It is typed flush left and boldface. The preceding paragraph is separated by a line space.

Third Level Heading

· It is typed flush left, 0,5 cm intended and boldface. Only the first word starts with capital letters; the rest will continue in lowercase. It ends with dot and the paragraph goes on in line with heading. It is not separated from the previous paragraph by the line space.

Fourth Level Heading

· It is typed flush left, 0,5 cm intended, italic and boldface. Only the first word starts with capital letters; the rest will continue in lowercase. It ends with dot and the paragraph goes on in line with heading. It is not separated from the previous paragraph by the line space.

Fifth Level Heading

· It is typed flush left, 0,5 cm intended and italic. Only the first word starts with capital letters; the rest will continue in lowercase. It ends with dot and the paragraph goes on in line with heading. It is not separated from the previous paragraph by the line space. (Forming of more than five headings is not recommended).

Table and Figure Headings

· Table and figure numbers should be typed as “Table 1” or “Figure 1”

· The first letters of the words that form the table and figure headings are capitalized and the title is typed in italics.