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Historical Origins of the Concept of Dissociative Schizophrenia and Psychotic Continuity

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 29 - 45, 05.08.2018


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder,
characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech, disrupting
one's ability of reality testing. Although the great authors such as Bleuler,
Jung, Meyer etc. included this disorder in a conceptual framework associated
with dissociation, in a significant part of the history of psychiatry, these
two phenomena were seen as almost completely unrelated. However, contrary to
the assumptions, the commonality between these two phenomena is far greater
than is supposed. In order to be able to model the relationship between the
concept of 'psychotic continuum', which is increasingly emphasized in recent
years, and the concept of 'dissociative continuum', historical dissociative
schizophrenia needs to be reconsidered.

This article discusses the concept of
dissociative schizophrenia held by important figures in the history of
psychiatry, and provides an introduction to another article that contains
today's reflections of this concept.


  • Abel, E.L. (1980). Marihuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Abel, E.L. (2005). Jacques Joseph Moreau (1804–1884). American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(3): 458
  • Adityanjee, Aderibigbe, Y.A., Theodoridis, D., ve Vieweg V.R. (1999). Dementia Praecox to Schizophrenia: The First I00 Years, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 53(4): 437–48
  • American Psychiatric Association. (1994). DSM IV: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4. baskı). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). DSM V: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5. baskı). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Barret, R.J. (1998). Conceptual foundations of schizophrenia: II. Disintegration and division. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 32: 627-634
  • Berrios, G.E. (2002). The history of mental symptoms. Descriptive psychopathology since the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Berrios, G.E., Markova, I.S. (2003)."The self and psychiatry: a conceptual history"; s.9- 39. İçinde: The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Kircher, T., David, A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bleuler, E. (1950). Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias (Çev. J. Zinkin), New York: International Universities Press.
  • Bleuler, E. (1930). The Physiogenic And Psychogenic In Schizophrenia. American Journal Of Psychiatry. 10(2): 203-211.
  • Brenner, I. (1994). The dissociative character: A reconsideration of “multiple personality.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 42: 819—846.
  • Brenner, I. (2009). Trauma, Healing, and the Masculine Self. New York: Jason Aronson.
  • Brenner, I. (2014). Dark Matters: Exploring the Realm of Psychic Devastation. Karnac Books
  • Cardwell, M. (2013). "Diathesis-Stress Paradigm", s.72-73. Dictionary of Psychology. Londra: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, P. (2008). Schizophrenia: The Positive Perspective:Explorations at the Outer Reaches of Human Experience. Londra: Routledge.
  • Claridge, G. (2008). Schizotypy: Connecting healthy personality to psychopathology. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 69(3): 151.
  • Compton, W.M., Guze, S.B. (1995). The neo-Kraepelinian revolution in psychiatric diagnosis. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 245:196–201.
  • Cuthbert, B.N. ve Insel, T.R. (2010). Toward New Approaches to Psychotic Disorders: The NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project. Schizophrenia Bulletin 36(6): 1061–1062.
  • Deleuze, J.P.F. (1813). Histoire critique du magnétisme animal, 1. Cilt. Paris: Mame, Imprimeure-Libraire.
  • Devillé, C., Moeglin, C., Sentissi, O. (2014) Dissociative Disorders: Between Neurosis and Psychosis. Case Reports in Psychiatry, Cilt 2014. /journals/crips/2014/425892/ adresinden, 10.6.2017 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Dorahy, M.J., Shannon, C., ve ark. (2009). Auditory hallucinations in dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia with and without a childhood trauma history: similarities and differences. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 197(12): 892–898.
  • Ellenberger, H.F. (1970/1994). The Discovery Of The Unconscious The History And Evolution Of Dynamic Psychiatry. Londra: Fontana Press.
  • Esterberg, M.L., Compton, M.T. (2009). The Psychosis Continuum and Categorical Versus Dimensional Diagnostic Approaches. Current Psychiatry Reports, 11:179–184
  • Eysenck, H.J. (1992). The Definition and Meaning of Psychoticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 757-785.
  • Foote, B., Park, J. (2008). Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Differential Diagnosis and Theoretical Issues. Current Psychiatry Reports, 10: 217–222.
  • Hart O., Dorahy M.J. (2009). "History of the Concept of Dissociation"; s.3-26. İçinde: Dissociation and the dissociative disorders: DSM-V and beyond. Dell, P.F., O'Neil J.A. (ed). New York: Routledge.
  • Heckers, S. (2011). Bleuler and the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 37(6): 1131–1135
  • Hoch, A. (1911/1950). On Some Of The Mental Mechanisms In Dementia Praecox. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia Praecox: A Monograph. S.53-71. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Hyman, S.E. (2007). Can neuroscience be integrated into the DSM-V? Nat Rev Neurosci. 8(9): 725-32.
  • Janet, Paul. (1897). Principes de Metaphysique et de Psychologie. Paris Edebiyat Fakültesi Dersleri, 1888-1894; İkinci Cilt. Paris: Librairie CH. Delagrave.
  • Janet, Pierre. (1933). Küçük Felsefe Tarihi. Gençlik ve Terbiye Kitaphanesi: No 1. İstanbul: Tefeyyüz Kitaphanesi.
  • Jelliffe, S.E. (1911/1950). Predementia Praecox; The Hereditary And Constitutional Features Of The Dementia Precox Makeup. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia Praecox: A Monograph. S.21-50. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Jung, C.G. (1909). The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. (Çev. Peterson, F. ve Brill, A.A.). New York: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.
  • Jung, C.G. (2014). The Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Read, H., Fordham, M., Adler,G.(Ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kluft, R.P. (1987). First-rank symptoms as a diagnostic clue to multiple personality disorder. Am. J. Psychiatry 144(3), 293–298.
  • Larousse, P. (1870). "Demence". İçinde: Grand Dictionaire Universel du XIXe Siecle, Altıncı Cilt. Paris: Administration du Grand Dictionaire Universel
  • McGlashan, T.H. Eugen Bleuler: Centennial Anniversary of His 1911 Publication of Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias. Schizophr Bull. 37(6): 1101–1103
  • McGrath, S. (2014). The question concerning metaphysics: a Schellingian intervention in analytical psychology. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 6(1): 23-51
  • Meyer A. (1911/1950). The nature and conception of dementia praecox. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia praecox: A monograph. s.7-18. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Moskowitz, A.K., Corstens, D. (2007). Auditory hallucinations: psychotic symptom or dissociative experience? Journal of Psychological Trauma, 6 (2/3), 35–63.
  • Moskowitz, A., Schäfer, I., Dorahy, M.J. (2009). Introduction. s.1-6. İçinde: Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology. Moskowitz, A., Schäfer, I., Dorahy, M.J. (ed.). Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Moskowitz, A., Heim, G. (2011). Eugen Bleuler’s Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias (1911): A Centenary Appreciation and Reconsideration. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37(3) : 471–479.
  • Moskowitz, A., Heim, G. (2013). Affect, dissociation, psychosis: Essential components of the historical concept of schizophrenia. İçinde: Psychosis and Emotion : The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and recovery. (s.9-22) Gumley, A.I., Gillham, A., Taylor, K., Schwannauer, M. (ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Ovsiew, F. (2004). Examining the Neuropsychiatric Patient. İçinde: Neuropsychiatric assessment. Yudofsky, S. C., & Kim, H. F. (Ed.). Review of psychiatry, 23(2). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing
  • Parnas, J. (2003). "Self and schizophrenia: a phenomenological perspective"; s.217-241. İçinde: The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Kircher, T., David, A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Putnam, F.W. (1989). Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Read, J. ve Masson, J. (2013). Genetics, eugenics and the mass murder of ‘schizophrenics’, s.34-46. İçinde: Models Of Madness: Psychological, social and biological approaches to psychosis: 2. Baskı. Read, J. ve Dillon, J. (ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Richard, A., Chefetz, R.A., Bromberg, P.M. (2004). Talking with “Me” and “Not-Me”: A Dialogue. Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 40: (3) 409-464.
  • Rosenbaum, M. (1980).The role of the term schizophrenia in the decline of diagnoses of multiple personality. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 37(12), 1383–1385.
  • Ross, C. (2004). Schizophrenia. Innovations in diagnosis and treatment. New York : Haworth Press.
  • Ross, C. (2014a). Dissociation in Classical Texts on Schizophrenia. Psychosis, 6(4): 342–354.
  • Sadock, B.J., Sadock, V.A. (2008). Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry: 3. Baskı. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Strik, W.K., La Malfa, G., Cabras, P. (1989). A Bidimensional Model for Diagnosis and Classification of Functional Psychoses. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 30(4): 313-319
  • Taylor, M.A., Vaidya N.A. (2009). Descriptive Psychopathology. The Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Webster, N. (1877). An American Dictionary of the English Language. Springfield: G&C Merriam

Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 29 - 45, 05.08.2018


kişinin gerçekliği değerlendirme yetisini bozan, halüsinasyon, sanrı ve
dezorganize konuşma [1]ile
karakterli bir zihinsel bozukluktur. Bleuler, Jung, Meyer gibi psikiyatri
tarihinin önemli isimleri bu bozukluğu, disosiyasyonla ilişkilendirilen bir
kavramsal çerçeve içine almışlarsa da, psikiyatri tarihinin önemli bir
bölümünde, bu iki fenomen birbiriyle neredeyse tamamen ilişkisiz olarak
görülmüşlerdir. Ancak ikisi arasındaki ortak yönler sanıldığından daha
fazladır. Son yıllarda giderek daha fazla önem verilen 'psikotik süreklilik'
kavramının 'disosiyatif süreklilik' kavramı ile ilişkisini modelleyebilmek
için, tarihsel disosiyatif şizofreni kavramı üzerinde daha fazla durmak

makale, psikiyatri tarihinin önemli isimlerinin disosiyatif şizofreni kavramını
ele almakta ve bu kavramın bugünkü yansımalarını içeren bir başka yazı için
giriş niteliği taşımaktadır.


  • Abel, E.L. (1980). Marihuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Abel, E.L. (2005). Jacques Joseph Moreau (1804–1884). American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(3): 458
  • Adityanjee, Aderibigbe, Y.A., Theodoridis, D., ve Vieweg V.R. (1999). Dementia Praecox to Schizophrenia: The First I00 Years, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 53(4): 437–48
  • American Psychiatric Association. (1994). DSM IV: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4. baskı). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). DSM V: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5. baskı). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Barret, R.J. (1998). Conceptual foundations of schizophrenia: II. Disintegration and division. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 32: 627-634
  • Berrios, G.E. (2002). The history of mental symptoms. Descriptive psychopathology since the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Berrios, G.E., Markova, I.S. (2003)."The self and psychiatry: a conceptual history"; s.9- 39. İçinde: The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Kircher, T., David, A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bleuler, E. (1950). Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias (Çev. J. Zinkin), New York: International Universities Press.
  • Bleuler, E. (1930). The Physiogenic And Psychogenic In Schizophrenia. American Journal Of Psychiatry. 10(2): 203-211.
  • Brenner, I. (1994). The dissociative character: A reconsideration of “multiple personality.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 42: 819—846.
  • Brenner, I. (2009). Trauma, Healing, and the Masculine Self. New York: Jason Aronson.
  • Brenner, I. (2014). Dark Matters: Exploring the Realm of Psychic Devastation. Karnac Books
  • Cardwell, M. (2013). "Diathesis-Stress Paradigm", s.72-73. Dictionary of Psychology. Londra: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, P. (2008). Schizophrenia: The Positive Perspective:Explorations at the Outer Reaches of Human Experience. Londra: Routledge.
  • Claridge, G. (2008). Schizotypy: Connecting healthy personality to psychopathology. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 69(3): 151.
  • Compton, W.M., Guze, S.B. (1995). The neo-Kraepelinian revolution in psychiatric diagnosis. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 245:196–201.
  • Cuthbert, B.N. ve Insel, T.R. (2010). Toward New Approaches to Psychotic Disorders: The NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project. Schizophrenia Bulletin 36(6): 1061–1062.
  • Deleuze, J.P.F. (1813). Histoire critique du magnétisme animal, 1. Cilt. Paris: Mame, Imprimeure-Libraire.
  • Devillé, C., Moeglin, C., Sentissi, O. (2014) Dissociative Disorders: Between Neurosis and Psychosis. Case Reports in Psychiatry, Cilt 2014. /journals/crips/2014/425892/ adresinden, 10.6.2017 tarihinde edinilmiştir.
  • Dorahy, M.J., Shannon, C., ve ark. (2009). Auditory hallucinations in dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia with and without a childhood trauma history: similarities and differences. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 197(12): 892–898.
  • Ellenberger, H.F. (1970/1994). The Discovery Of The Unconscious The History And Evolution Of Dynamic Psychiatry. Londra: Fontana Press.
  • Esterberg, M.L., Compton, M.T. (2009). The Psychosis Continuum and Categorical Versus Dimensional Diagnostic Approaches. Current Psychiatry Reports, 11:179–184
  • Eysenck, H.J. (1992). The Definition and Meaning of Psychoticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 757-785.
  • Foote, B., Park, J. (2008). Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Differential Diagnosis and Theoretical Issues. Current Psychiatry Reports, 10: 217–222.
  • Hart O., Dorahy M.J. (2009). "History of the Concept of Dissociation"; s.3-26. İçinde: Dissociation and the dissociative disorders: DSM-V and beyond. Dell, P.F., O'Neil J.A. (ed). New York: Routledge.
  • Heckers, S. (2011). Bleuler and the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 37(6): 1131–1135
  • Hoch, A. (1911/1950). On Some Of The Mental Mechanisms In Dementia Praecox. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia Praecox: A Monograph. S.53-71. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Hyman, S.E. (2007). Can neuroscience be integrated into the DSM-V? Nat Rev Neurosci. 8(9): 725-32.
  • Janet, Paul. (1897). Principes de Metaphysique et de Psychologie. Paris Edebiyat Fakültesi Dersleri, 1888-1894; İkinci Cilt. Paris: Librairie CH. Delagrave.
  • Janet, Pierre. (1933). Küçük Felsefe Tarihi. Gençlik ve Terbiye Kitaphanesi: No 1. İstanbul: Tefeyyüz Kitaphanesi.
  • Jelliffe, S.E. (1911/1950). Predementia Praecox; The Hereditary And Constitutional Features Of The Dementia Precox Makeup. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia Praecox: A Monograph. S.21-50. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Jung, C.G. (1909). The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. (Çev. Peterson, F. ve Brill, A.A.). New York: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.
  • Jung, C.G. (2014). The Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Read, H., Fordham, M., Adler,G.(Ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kluft, R.P. (1987). First-rank symptoms as a diagnostic clue to multiple personality disorder. Am. J. Psychiatry 144(3), 293–298.
  • Larousse, P. (1870). "Demence". İçinde: Grand Dictionaire Universel du XIXe Siecle, Altıncı Cilt. Paris: Administration du Grand Dictionaire Universel
  • McGlashan, T.H. Eugen Bleuler: Centennial Anniversary of His 1911 Publication of Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias. Schizophr Bull. 37(6): 1101–1103
  • McGrath, S. (2014). The question concerning metaphysics: a Schellingian intervention in analytical psychology. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 6(1): 23-51
  • Meyer A. (1911/1950). The nature and conception of dementia praecox. İçinde: Meyer, A., Jelliffe, S.E., Hoch, A. (Ed.), Dementia praecox: A monograph. s.7-18. Boston: Gorham Press
  • Moskowitz, A.K., Corstens, D. (2007). Auditory hallucinations: psychotic symptom or dissociative experience? Journal of Psychological Trauma, 6 (2/3), 35–63.
  • Moskowitz, A., Schäfer, I., Dorahy, M.J. (2009). Introduction. s.1-6. İçinde: Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology. Moskowitz, A., Schäfer, I., Dorahy, M.J. (ed.). Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Moskowitz, A., Heim, G. (2011). Eugen Bleuler’s Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias (1911): A Centenary Appreciation and Reconsideration. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37(3) : 471–479.
  • Moskowitz, A., Heim, G. (2013). Affect, dissociation, psychosis: Essential components of the historical concept of schizophrenia. İçinde: Psychosis and Emotion : The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and recovery. (s.9-22) Gumley, A.I., Gillham, A., Taylor, K., Schwannauer, M. (ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Ovsiew, F. (2004). Examining the Neuropsychiatric Patient. İçinde: Neuropsychiatric assessment. Yudofsky, S. C., & Kim, H. F. (Ed.). Review of psychiatry, 23(2). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing
  • Parnas, J. (2003). "Self and schizophrenia: a phenomenological perspective"; s.217-241. İçinde: The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Kircher, T., David, A. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Putnam, F.W. (1989). Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Read, J. ve Masson, J. (2013). Genetics, eugenics and the mass murder of ‘schizophrenics’, s.34-46. İçinde: Models Of Madness: Psychological, social and biological approaches to psychosis: 2. Baskı. Read, J. ve Dillon, J. (ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Richard, A., Chefetz, R.A., Bromberg, P.M. (2004). Talking with “Me” and “Not-Me”: A Dialogue. Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 40: (3) 409-464.
  • Rosenbaum, M. (1980).The role of the term schizophrenia in the decline of diagnoses of multiple personality. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 37(12), 1383–1385.
  • Ross, C. (2004). Schizophrenia. Innovations in diagnosis and treatment. New York : Haworth Press.
  • Ross, C. (2014a). Dissociation in Classical Texts on Schizophrenia. Psychosis, 6(4): 342–354.
  • Sadock, B.J., Sadock, V.A. (2008). Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry: 3. Baskı. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Strik, W.K., La Malfa, G., Cabras, P. (1989). A Bidimensional Model for Diagnosis and Classification of Functional Psychoses. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 30(4): 313-319
  • Taylor, M.A., Vaidya N.A. (2009). Descriptive Psychopathology. The Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Webster, N. (1877). An American Dictionary of the English Language. Springfield: G&C Merriam
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmet Çorak 0000-0003-3840-5145

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Ağustos 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Haziran 2018
Kabul Tarihi 27 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çorak, A. (2018). Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik. Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi, 1(2), 29-45.
AMA Çorak A. Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik. TBPD. Ağustos 2018;1(2):29-45.
Chicago Çorak, Ahmet. “Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri Ve Psikotik Süreklilik”. Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi 1, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2018): 29-45.
EndNote Çorak A (01 Ağustos 2018) Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik. Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi 1 2 29–45.
IEEE A. Çorak, “Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik”, TBPD, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 29–45, 2018.
ISNAD Çorak, Ahmet. “Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri Ve Psikotik Süreklilik”. Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi 1/2 (Ağustos 2018), 29-45.
JAMA Çorak A. Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik. TBPD. 2018;1:29–45.
MLA Çorak, Ahmet. “Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri Ve Psikotik Süreklilik”. Türkiye Bütüncül Psikoterapi Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 29-45.
Vancouver Çorak A. Disosiyatif Şizofreni Kavramının Tarihsel Kökenleri ve Psikotik Süreklilik. TBPD. 2018;1(2):29-45.