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15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimine yönelik Sosyal Ağ Analizi: Sosyal Direniş, Ağ Örüntüleri ve Kolektif Söylem

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 93, 1 - 28, 06.04.2020


15 Temmuz darbe girişimi birçok açıdan önemlidir ve sosyal direniş, toplumun yapılanması ve ağ örüntüleri, kolektif söylem, algı yönetimi ve yeni medyanın gücü bağlamında birçok konuyu ilgilendirmektedir. Bu düşünceler ışığında bu çalışmanın genel amacı sosyal medya bakış açısıyla başarısız 15 Temmuz darbe girişimini incelemektir. Sosyal ağ analizi ve söylem analizinin kullanıldığı karma yöntem olarak desenlenmiş bu çalışma bulgularına göre toplumun farklı katmanları demokrasi yanlısı bir söylem sergilemiş ve çevrimiçi sosyal ağlar kitlelerin birbirleriyle iletişime geçtiği, darbe girişimcilerine karşı harekete geçtikleri, ayaklandıkları ve darbe girişimine karşı nasıl hissettiklerini ifade ettikleri bir ortam olarak kullanılmış, bu durum ise 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin kaderini değiştirmiştir.


  • The Association of Internet Researchers: AoIR (2012). "Ethical decision-making and Internet research 2.0: Recommendations from the AoIR ethics working committee". Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Aslan, Ömer and Hakan Kiyici (2017). “American Policy and Proliferation of Media as Causes of a New Type of Coup after the Cold War? Evidence from Turkey”. Middle East Critique: 1-17.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1977). “The economics of linguistic exchanges”. Information (International Social Science Council) 16 (6): 645-668.
  • Cagaptay, Soner and James F. Jeffrey (2016, July). “Inside Turkey’s Failed Coup: What Happened? Why? What Next?”. The Washington Institute. Retrieved from coup-what-happened-why-what-next (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Castells, Manuel (2009). Communication Power. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chiluwa, Innocent (2012). “Social media networks and the discourse of resistance: A sociolinguistic CDA of Biafra online discourses”. Discourse & Society 23(3): 217-244.
  • Clauset, Aaron, Cristopher Moore and Mark EJ Newman (2008). “Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networks”. Nature 453(7191): 98-101.
  • Clauset, Aaron, Mark EJ Newman, and Cristopher Moore (2004). “Finding community structure in very large networks”. Physical Review E 70 (6): 066111.
  • Comninos, Alex (2011). Twitter revolutions and cyber crackdowns: User-generated content and social networking in the Arab spring and beyond. Association for Progressive Communication (APC).
  • Creswell, John W. (2004). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. London: Pearson.
  • Creswell, John W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. California: Sage.
  • Dalay, Galip (2016). The 15th Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey: Structural Roots. Al Jazeera Centre for Studies.
  • DeLuca, Kevin M., Sean Lawson and Ye Sun (2012). “Occupy Wall Street on the public screens of social media: The many framings of the birth of a protest movement”. Communication, Culture & Critique 5(4): 483-509.
  • Devran, Yusuf, and Ömer Faruk Özcan (2016). “15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi: Gelenekselden Yeniye Medya Araçlarının Kullanımı”. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology 7(25). Retrieved from http://www.ajit‐ (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Esen, Berk, and Sebnem Gumuscu (2017). “Turkey: How the Coup Failed”. Journal of Democracy 28 (1): 59-73.
  • Gillmor, Dan (2004). We the media. Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
  • Haklı, Salih Zeki (2016). “The Rethinking of the July 15 Coup Attempt on Bureaucratic Communitarianism in Turkey”. bilig 79: 89-106.
  • Hansen, Derek, Ben Shneiderman, and Marc A. Smith (2010). Analyzing social media networks with NodeXL: Insights from a connected world. Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Içener, Erhan (2016). “Turkey-EU Relations after the Failed July 15 Coup Attempt”. bilig 79: 69-87.
  • Kılıç, Şükrü Oktay (2016, Temmuz 19). “Sosyal medya nasıl darbeye direnişin aracı oldu?”. Al Jazeera Turk. Retrieved from (Accessed:01.06.2017).
  • Koren, David, and Yehuda Harel (2001). “A Fast Multi-Scale Method for Drawing Large Graphs”. In Graph Drawing: 8th International Symposium. GD 2000. Colonial Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 20-23. 2000. Proceedings (No. 1984, p. 183). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Krippendorff, Klaus (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage.
  • Lindgren, Simon (2013). “The potential and limitations of Twitter activism: Mapping the 2011 Libyan Uprising. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique”. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 11(1): 207-220.
  • Lotan, Gilad, Erhardt Graeff, Mike Ananny, Devin Gaffney and Ian Pearce (2011). “The Arab Spring| the revolutions were tweeted: Information flows during the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions”. International journal of communication 5: 1375–1406.
  • Melek, Gizem, and Huriye Toker (2017). “Şiddet, demokrasi ve terör bağlamında ana akım medyanın analizi: 15 temmuz darbe girişimi”. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi 5(1): 222-234.
  • Milan, Francesco F (2016). “Turkey: What Hides Behind a Failed Coup Attempt”. The RUSI Journal 161(4): 28-32.
  • Milgram, Stanley (1967). “The small world problem”. Psychology Today 2(1): 60-67.
  • Nisan, Fatma, and N. Tülay Şeker (2017). “Demokrasiyi Sekteye Uğratan Darbe Haberlerinin Çerçevelenmesi: 15 Temmuz 2016 Darbe Girişimi Örneği”. TRT Akademi 2(3): 68-96.
  • Önder, Murat and Hazan Güler (2017). “The coup? Depends on who does: Perception of western media on coup attempt of July 15th 2016 in Turkey”. ICPESS 2017-Sarajevo Bosnia Herzegovina.
  • Orcher, Lawrence T. (2005). Conducting research: Social and behavioral science methods. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak.
  • Partington, Alan (2006). “Metaphors, motifs and similes across discourse types: Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) at work”. Corpusbased approaches to metaphor and metonymy. Eds. Anatol Stefanowitsch and Stefan Th. Gries. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 267-304.
  • Passini, Stefano (2012). “The facebook and Twitter revolutions: Active participation in the 21st century”. Human Affairs 22(3): 301-312.
  • Petry, Joshua W (2015). Let the Revolution Begin, 140 Characters at a Time: Social Media and Unconventional Warfare. Air University Maxwell Air Force Base United States.
  • Purtaş, Fırat (2005). “Ukrayna’da Turuncu Devrim”. Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi 6: 157-178.
  • Rainie, Lee (2014). The six types of Twitter conversations. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Schreiber, James B, and Kimberly Asner-Self (2010). Educational research. New Jersey: Wiley Global Education.
  • Smith, Marc A., Lee Rainie, Ben Shneiderman and Itai Himelboim (2014). Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Theocharis, Yannis, Will Lowe, Jan W. van Deth, and Gema García-Albacete (2015). “Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements”. Information, Communication & Society 18(2): 202-220.
  • Unver, H. Akin and Hassan Alassaad (2016). “How Turks Mobilized Against the Coup”. Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Van Dijk, Teun A. (1993). “Principles of critical discourse analysis”. Discourse and Society 4(2): 249-283.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “July 15: The Glorious Resistance of Turkish Democracy”. Insight Turkey 18(3): 83-117.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “On Turkey’s Classical Revolution of July 15”. Bilig (79): 159-172.
  • Yılmaz, Yasemin Gülşen, Süleyman Hakan Yılmaz and Muhammet Erbay (2016). “The Analyses of July 15 Coup Attempt through the Turkish Press”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 10(12): 3743-3748.
  • Yin, Robert K. (2010). Qualitative research from start to finish. New York: Guilford Press.

A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 93, 1 - 28, 06.04.2020


Many aspects of the July 15 failed coup attempt were significant and included social resistance, community formation and network patterns, collective discourse, perception management and power of the new media. Based on these notions, the main objective of this research is to examine the July 15 failed coup attempt within the perspective of social media. In a mixed method study, in which social network analysis and discourse analysis were used, the research revealed that different layers of the community demonstrated a collective discourse in favor of democracy and online social networks were used as a space where masses would communicate with each other, mobilize, rally against the plotters, and express how they felt; all of which eventually changed the fate of the July 15 failed coup attempt.


  • The Association of Internet Researchers: AoIR (2012). "Ethical decision-making and Internet research 2.0: Recommendations from the AoIR ethics working committee". Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Aslan, Ömer and Hakan Kiyici (2017). “American Policy and Proliferation of Media as Causes of a New Type of Coup after the Cold War? Evidence from Turkey”. Middle East Critique: 1-17.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre (1977). “The economics of linguistic exchanges”. Information (International Social Science Council) 16 (6): 645-668.
  • Cagaptay, Soner and James F. Jeffrey (2016, July). “Inside Turkey’s Failed Coup: What Happened? Why? What Next?”. The Washington Institute. Retrieved from coup-what-happened-why-what-next (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Castells, Manuel (2009). Communication Power. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chiluwa, Innocent (2012). “Social media networks and the discourse of resistance: A sociolinguistic CDA of Biafra online discourses”. Discourse & Society 23(3): 217-244.
  • Clauset, Aaron, Cristopher Moore and Mark EJ Newman (2008). “Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networks”. Nature 453(7191): 98-101.
  • Clauset, Aaron, Mark EJ Newman, and Cristopher Moore (2004). “Finding community structure in very large networks”. Physical Review E 70 (6): 066111.
  • Comninos, Alex (2011). Twitter revolutions and cyber crackdowns: User-generated content and social networking in the Arab spring and beyond. Association for Progressive Communication (APC).
  • Creswell, John W. (2004). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. London: Pearson.
  • Creswell, John W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. California: Sage.
  • Dalay, Galip (2016). The 15th Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey: Structural Roots. Al Jazeera Centre for Studies.
  • DeLuca, Kevin M., Sean Lawson and Ye Sun (2012). “Occupy Wall Street on the public screens of social media: The many framings of the birth of a protest movement”. Communication, Culture & Critique 5(4): 483-509.
  • Devran, Yusuf, and Ömer Faruk Özcan (2016). “15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi: Gelenekselden Yeniye Medya Araçlarının Kullanımı”. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology 7(25). Retrieved from http://www.ajit‐ (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Esen, Berk, and Sebnem Gumuscu (2017). “Turkey: How the Coup Failed”. Journal of Democracy 28 (1): 59-73.
  • Gillmor, Dan (2004). We the media. Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
  • Haklı, Salih Zeki (2016). “The Rethinking of the July 15 Coup Attempt on Bureaucratic Communitarianism in Turkey”. bilig 79: 89-106.
  • Hansen, Derek, Ben Shneiderman, and Marc A. Smith (2010). Analyzing social media networks with NodeXL: Insights from a connected world. Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Içener, Erhan (2016). “Turkey-EU Relations after the Failed July 15 Coup Attempt”. bilig 79: 69-87.
  • Kılıç, Şükrü Oktay (2016, Temmuz 19). “Sosyal medya nasıl darbeye direnişin aracı oldu?”. Al Jazeera Turk. Retrieved from (Accessed:01.06.2017).
  • Koren, David, and Yehuda Harel (2001). “A Fast Multi-Scale Method for Drawing Large Graphs”. In Graph Drawing: 8th International Symposium. GD 2000. Colonial Williamsburg, VA, USA, September 20-23. 2000. Proceedings (No. 1984, p. 183). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Krippendorff, Klaus (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Sage.
  • Lindgren, Simon (2013). “The potential and limitations of Twitter activism: Mapping the 2011 Libyan Uprising. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique”. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 11(1): 207-220.
  • Lotan, Gilad, Erhardt Graeff, Mike Ananny, Devin Gaffney and Ian Pearce (2011). “The Arab Spring| the revolutions were tweeted: Information flows during the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions”. International journal of communication 5: 1375–1406.
  • Melek, Gizem, and Huriye Toker (2017). “Şiddet, demokrasi ve terör bağlamında ana akım medyanın analizi: 15 temmuz darbe girişimi”. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi 5(1): 222-234.
  • Milan, Francesco F (2016). “Turkey: What Hides Behind a Failed Coup Attempt”. The RUSI Journal 161(4): 28-32.
  • Milgram, Stanley (1967). “The small world problem”. Psychology Today 2(1): 60-67.
  • Nisan, Fatma, and N. Tülay Şeker (2017). “Demokrasiyi Sekteye Uğratan Darbe Haberlerinin Çerçevelenmesi: 15 Temmuz 2016 Darbe Girişimi Örneği”. TRT Akademi 2(3): 68-96.
  • Önder, Murat and Hazan Güler (2017). “The coup? Depends on who does: Perception of western media on coup attempt of July 15th 2016 in Turkey”. ICPESS 2017-Sarajevo Bosnia Herzegovina.
  • Orcher, Lawrence T. (2005). Conducting research: Social and behavioral science methods. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak.
  • Partington, Alan (2006). “Metaphors, motifs and similes across discourse types: Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) at work”. Corpusbased approaches to metaphor and metonymy. Eds. Anatol Stefanowitsch and Stefan Th. Gries. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 267-304.
  • Passini, Stefano (2012). “The facebook and Twitter revolutions: Active participation in the 21st century”. Human Affairs 22(3): 301-312.
  • Petry, Joshua W (2015). Let the Revolution Begin, 140 Characters at a Time: Social Media and Unconventional Warfare. Air University Maxwell Air Force Base United States.
  • Purtaş, Fırat (2005). “Ukrayna’da Turuncu Devrim”. Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi 6: 157-178.
  • Rainie, Lee (2014). The six types of Twitter conversations. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Schreiber, James B, and Kimberly Asner-Self (2010). Educational research. New Jersey: Wiley Global Education.
  • Smith, Marc A., Lee Rainie, Ben Shneiderman and Itai Himelboim (2014). Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Theocharis, Yannis, Will Lowe, Jan W. van Deth, and Gema García-Albacete (2015). “Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements”. Information, Communication & Society 18(2): 202-220.
  • Unver, H. Akin and Hassan Alassaad (2016). “How Turks Mobilized Against the Coup”. Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from (Accessed: 01.06.2017).
  • Van Dijk, Teun A. (1993). “Principles of critical discourse analysis”. Discourse and Society 4(2): 249-283.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “July 15: The Glorious Resistance of Turkish Democracy”. Insight Turkey 18(3): 83-117.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “On Turkey’s Classical Revolution of July 15”. Bilig (79): 159-172.
  • Yılmaz, Yasemin Gülşen, Süleyman Hakan Yılmaz and Muhammet Erbay (2016). “The Analyses of July 15 Coup Attempt through the Turkish Press”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 10(12): 3743-3748.
  • Yin, Robert K. (2010). Qualitative research from start to finish. New York: Guilford Press.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Köksal Büyük 0000-0002-2726-8854

Aras Bozkurt Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4520-642X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 93

Kaynak Göster

APA Büyük, K., & Bozkurt, A. (2020). A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse. Bilig(93), 1-28.
AMA Büyük K, Bozkurt A. A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse. Bilig. Nisan 2020;(93):1-28. doi:10.12995/bilig.9301
Chicago Büyük, Köksal, ve Aras Bozkurt. “A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse”. Bilig, sy. 93 (Nisan 2020): 1-28.
EndNote Büyük K, Bozkurt A (01 Nisan 2020) A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse. Bilig 93 1–28.
IEEE K. Büyük ve A. Bozkurt, “A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse”, Bilig, sy. 93, ss. 1–28, Nisan 2020, doi: 10.12995/bilig.9301.
ISNAD Büyük, Köksal - Bozkurt, Aras. “A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse”. Bilig 93 (Nisan 2020), 1-28.
JAMA Büyük K, Bozkurt A. A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse. Bilig. 2020;:1–28.
MLA Büyük, Köksal ve Aras Bozkurt. “A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse”. Bilig, sy. 93, 2020, ss. 1-28, doi:10.12995/bilig.9301.
Vancouver Büyük K, Bozkurt A. A Social Network Analysis of the July 15 Coup Attempt: Social Resistance, Network Patterns, and Collective Discourse. Bilig. 2020(93):1-28.

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